The Priest

   In the Old Testament, the people who had a vaginal discharge, a sperm discharge, or at most, a symptom of leprousy, they went to the priest for help. The priest cared fro them for at least 7-14 days until the condition is well taken care of, if it does. The lepers were separated from the rest of the people. Now, when we are sick, we can go to Jesus because he is the one and only High Priest, in the order of Melchizedek. He is the one who can heal us. We are the lepers. He is the only one who can heal us. All that we have to do is come to Him for healing. He can free us from uncleanliness. He will make us clean. He will heal us. Now, if you are not sick, you don't need the priest, but as a nonbeliver and a believer, you need to know that you are sick. You need to know that you need Jesus, because without Him, you will die. Jesus ate with prostitutes and tax-collectors. He ate with sinners. Since you and I are sinners, we need Jesus! The people who think that they are righteous will never admit that they need Him. We also need to abide in Him, because we are constant sinners and we need Jesus constantly, so know that you need to rely on Him in order to live spiritually. It is the only way.

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